
Yasushi Wakahara

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6EEYasushi Wakahara: Foreword for Special Section on Networks Software. IEICE Transactions 90-B(4): 719 (2007)
5EEJianping Li, Yasushi Wakahara: Time Slot Assignment for Maximum Bandwidth in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network. JCM 2(6): 56-64 (2007)
4 Yasushi Wakahara: Keynote Address. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 0-6
3 Yasushi Wakahara, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Atsushi Ito, Eiji Utsunomiya: Escort: An Environment for Specifying Communication Requirements. IEEE Software 6(2): 38-43 (1989)
2EEYoshiaki Kakuda, Yasushi Wakahara, Masamitsu Norigoe: An Acyclic Expansion Algorithm for Fast Protocol Validation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(8): 1059-1070 (1988)
1 Yasushi Wakahara, Atsushi Ito: Prototyping System for Telecommunications Software Based on Abstract Execution of Requirements Specifications. Computer Networks 13: 119-128 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Atsushi Ito [1] [3]
2Yoshiaki Kakuda [2] [3]
3Jianping Li [5]
4Masamitsu Norigoe [2]
5Eiji Utsunomiya [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)