
Mohamed Wahib

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7EEMohamed Wahib, Asim Munawar, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: Model for dynamic grain sizing through compound parallelization for an optimization problem solving grid application. GRID 2008: 316-321
6EEMohamed Wahib, Asim Munawar, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: SOAG: Service Oriented Architectured Grids and adoption of application specific QoS attributes. GRID 2008: 346-351
5EEAsim Munawar, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: Solving Large Instances of Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem over Cell BE. HPCC 2008: 131-138
4EEAsim Munawar, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: A Survey: Genetic Algorithms and the Fast Evolving World of Parallel Computing. HPCC 2008: 897-902
3EEMohamed Wahib, Asim Munawar, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: A General Service-Oriented Grid Computing Framework for Global Optimization Problem Solving. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 563-566
2EEAsim Munawar, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: Parallel GEAs with Linkage Analysis over Grid. Linkage in Evolutionary Computation 2008: 159-187
1EEMohamed Wahib, Asim Munawar, Masaharu Munetomo, Kiyoshi Akama: MHGrid: Towards an Ideal Optimization Environment for Global Optimization Problems Using Grid Computing. PDCAT 2007: 167-168

Coauthor Index

1Kiyoshi Akama [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Asim Munawar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Masaharu Munetomo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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