
Grace Wahba

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4 Yi Lin, Yoonkyung Lee, Grace Wahba: Support Vector Machines for Classification in Nonstandard Situations. Machine Learning 46(1-3): 191-202 (2002)
3 Yi Lin, Grace Wahba, Hao Zhang, Yoonkyung Lee: Statistical Properties and Adaptive Tuning of Support Vector Machines. Machine Learning 48(1-3): 115-136 (2002)
2EEGrace Wahba, Xiwu Lin, Fangyu Gao, Dong Xiang, Ronald Klein, Barbara Klein: The Bias-Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized GACV. NIPS 1998: 620-626
1EEGrace Wahba, Yuedong Wang, Chong Gu, Ronald Klein, Barbara Klein: Structured Machine Learning for Soft Classification with Smoothing Spline ANOVA and Stacked Tuning, Testing, and Evaluation. NIPS 1993: 415-422

Coauthor Index

1Fangyu Gao [2]
2Chong Gu [1]
3Barbara Klein [1] [2]
4Ronald Klein [1] [2]
5Yoonkyung Lee [3] [4]
6Xiwu Lin [2]
7Yi Lin [3] [4]
8Yuedong Wang [1]
9Dong Xiang [2]
10Hao Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)