
Arne Wagner

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4 Kurt Schicho, Rolf Ewers, Arne Wagner, Rudolf Seemann, Michael Figl, Julia Fruehwald, Clemens Klug: Accuracy of the transfer of a preoperative plan from stereolithographic skull models to the patient. CARS 2004: 1321
3 Arne Wagner, Werner Millesi, Franz Watzinger, Michael Truppe, Michael Rasse, Georg Enislidis, Christian Kermer, Rolf Ewers: Computed Navigation in Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oral Head and Neck Surgery: Principles, Indications and Potentials for Telepresence and Teleassistance. Virtual Reality: Cognitive Foundations, Technological Issues & Philosophical Implications 2001: 85-97
2 Wolfgang Birkfellner, Michael Figl, Klaus Huber, Franz Watzinger, Felix Wanschitz, Rudolf Hanel, Arne Wagner, Dietmar Rafolt, Rolf Ewers, Helmar Bergmann: The Varioscope AR - A Head-Monted Operating Microscope for Augmented Reality. MICCAI 2000: 869-877
1 Werner Millesi, Michael Truppe, Franz Watzinger, Arne Wagner, Rolf Ewers: Image guided surgery extended by remote stereotactic visualization. CVRMed 1997: 813-816

Coauthor Index

1Helmar Bergmann [2]
2Wolfgang Birkfellner [2]
3Georg Enislidis [3]
4Rolf Ewers [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Michael Figl [2] [4]
6Julia Fruehwald [4]
7Rudolf Hanel [2]
8Klaus Huber [2]
9Christian Kermer [3]
10Clemens Klug [4]
11Werner Millesi [1] [3]
12Dietmar Rafolt [2]
13Michael Rasse [3]
14Kurt Schicho [4]
15Rudolf Seemann [4]
16Michael Truppe [1] [3]
17Felix Wanschitz [2]
18Franz Watzinger [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)