
Peter R. de Waal

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8EEPeter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag: Inference and Learning in Multi-dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers. ECSQARU 2007: 501-511
7EETheodore Charitos, Peter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag: Convergence in Markovian models with implications for efficiency of inference. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 46(2): 300-319 (2007)
6EELinda C. van der Gaag, Peter R. de Waal: Multi-dimensional Bayesian Network Classifiers. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2006: 107-114
5 Theodore Charitos, Peter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag: Speeding Up Inference in Markovian Models. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 785-790
4EEPeter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag: Stable Independence in Perfect Maps. UAI 2005: 161-168
3EEPeter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag: Stable Independance and Complexity of Representation. UAI 2004: 112-119
2 Nico M. van Dijk, Peter R. de Waal: Monotonicity of Performance Measures in a Processor Sharing Queue. Perform. Eval. 12(1): 5-16 (1991)
1 Peter R. de Waal: Performance Analysis and Optimal Control of an M/M/1/k Queueing System with Impatient Customers. MMB 1987: 28-40

Coauthor Index

1Theodore Charitos [5] [7]
2Nico M. van Dijk [2]
3Linda C. van der Gaag [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)