
Zbigniew M. Wójcik

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16EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: System Health Prognostic Model Using Rough Sets. RSFDGrC (1) 2005: 522-531
15EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: Detecting Spots for NASA Space Programs Using Rough Sets. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 569-576
14EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: Solving the Localization-Detection Trade-Off In Shadow Recognition Problem Using Rough Sets. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 577-583
13 Zbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik: Optimal Algorithm for Real-Time Fault Tolerant Distributed Processing Using Checkpoints. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(1): (1995)
12 Zbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik: Termination Conditions for Parallel Shape Recognition. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(3): (1995)
11 Zbigniew M. Wójcik: Application of Rough Sets for Edge Enhancing Image Filters. ICIP (2) 1994: 525-529
10 Zbigniew M. Wójcik: Intelligent Image Filtering Using Rough Sets. RSKD 1993: 377-386
9 Zbigniew M. Wójcik: Accurate Edge Detection Using Rough Sets. RSKD 1993: 403-411
8EEZbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik: Rough Grammar For Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Computing on a Distributed System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(7): 652-668 (1991)
7EEZbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik: Fault tolerant distributed computing using atomic send-receive checkpoints. SPDP 1990: 215-222
6EEZbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik: Termination condition for a parallel shape coding and a parallel shape coding algorithm. SPDP 1990: 412-419
5EEBarbara E. Wójcik, Zbigniew M. Wójcik: Sufficient Condition for a Communication Deadlock and Distributed Deadlock Detection. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(12): 1587-1595 (1989)
4 Zbigniew M. Wójcik: Contextual information retrieval using a graph model of a sentence and rough sets. Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(2): 143-162 (1987)
3EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: Rough approximation of shapes in pattern recognition. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 40(2): 228-249 (1987)
2EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: A natural approach in image processing and pattern recognition: Rotating neighbourhood technique, self-adapting threshold, segmentation and shape recognition. Pattern Recognition 18(5): 299-326 (1985)
1EEZbigniew M. Wójcik: An approach to the recognition of contours and line-shaped objects. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 25(2): 184-204 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Barbara E. Wójcik [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)