
Govert de Vries

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2EEMaddy D. Brouwer-Janse, Jane Fulton Suri, Mitchell Yawitz, Govert de Vries, James L. Fozard, Roger Coleman: User interfaces for young and old. Interactions 4(2): 34-46 (1997)
1EERon Oosterholt, Mieko Kusano, Govert de Vries: Interaction Design and Human Factors Support in the Development of a Personal Communicator for Children. CHI 1996: 450-457

Coauthor Index

1Maddy D. Brouwer-Janse [2]
2Roger Coleman [2]
3James L. Fozard [2]
4Mieko Kusano [1]
5Ron Oosterholt [1]
6Jane Fulton Suri [2]
7Mitchell Yawitz [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)