
Ehsan Vossough

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10EEEhsan Vossough, Janusz R. Getta: Micro Implementation of Join Operation at Clustering Nodes of Heterogenous Sensor Networks. UNISCON 2009: 75-90
9 Edwin Kwan, Janusz R. Getta, Ehsan Vossough: Design and Implementation of Data Stream Processing Applications. ICSOFT (ISDM/EHST/DC) 2007: 193-196
8EEJanusz R. Getta, Ehsan Vossough: Grouped Processing of Relational Algebra Expressions over Data Streams. ADBIS 2004: 336-347
7EEEhsan Vossough: A System for Processing Continuous Queries over Infinite Data Streams. DEXA 2004: 720-729
6EEJanusz R. Getta, Ehsan Vossough: Optimization of Data Stream Processing. SIGMOD Record 33(3): 34-39 (2004)
5EEEhsan Vossough, Janusz R. Getta: Processing of Continuous Queries over Unlimited Data Streams. DEXA 2002: 799-809
4 Ehsan Vossough: Adaptable Processing of Large Data Sets in Distributed Environments. EDBT PhD Workshop 2002: 101-110
3EESoroush Sedaghat, Josef Pieprzyk, Ehsan Vossough: On-the-fly web content integrity check boosts users's confidence. Commun. ACM 45(11): 33-37 (2002)
2EESoroush Sedaghat, Josef Pieprzyk, Ehsan Vossough: A Dynamic Web Agent for Verifying the Security and Integrity of a Web Site's Contents. CSCWD 2001: 330-337
1 Ehsan Vossough, Janusz R. Getta: Block Level Query Scrambling Algorithm within Distributed Multidatabase Environment. DEXA Workshop 2001: 123-127

Coauthor Index

1Janusz R. Getta [1] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
2Edwin Kwan [9]
3Josef Pieprzyk [2] [3]
4Soroush Sedaghat [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)