
Pawan R. Vora

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3EEPawan R. Vora: Design/Methods & Tools: Designing for the Web: a survey. Interactions 5(3): 13-30 (1998)
2EEPawan R. Vora, Martin Helander, Valerie L. Shalin: Evaluating the influence of interface styles and multiple access paths in hypertext. CHI 1994: 323-329
1EEPawan R. Vora, Martin Helander, Valerie L. Shalin: Evaluating the influence of interface styles and multiple access paths in hypertext. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 223

Coauthor Index

1Martin Helander [1] [2]
2Valerie L. Shalin [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)