
Luca Vollero

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15EEFilippo Cacace, Luca Vollero: A delay monitoring method for up-link flows in IEEE 802.11e EDCA networks. SimuTools 2009: 87
14EEMassimo Bernaschi, Filippo Cacace, Giulio Iannello, Massimo Vellucci, Luca Vollero: OpenCAPWAP: An open source CAPWAP implementation for the management and configuration of WiFi hot-spots. Computer Networks 53(2): 217-230 (2009)
13EEKatarzyna Kosek, Marek Natkaniec, Luca Vollero: Thorough Analysis of 802.11e Star Topology Scenarios in the Presence of Hidden Nodes. Networking 2008: 792-803
12EESimona Acanfora, Filippo Cacace, Giulio Iannello, Luca Vollero: Dynamic Configuration of MAC QoS Mechanisms in 802.11 Access Networks. NEW2AN 2006: 542-553
11EEAlbert Banchs, Luca Vollero: Throughput analysis and optimal configuration of 802.11e EDCA. Computer Networks 50(11): 1749-1768 (2006)
10EELuca Vollero, Giulio Iannello: ACK Skipping: enabling QoS for multimedia communications in WiFi hot spots. IJHPCN 4(1/2): 23-30 (2006)
9EEMarco Cagnazzo, Francesco Delfino, Luca Vollero, Andrea Zinicola: Trading off quality and complexity for a HVQ-based video codec on portable devices. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(3): 564-572 (2006)
8EEAntonio Pescapè, Luca Vollero, Giulio Iannello, Giorgio Ventre: Measuring Quality of Service Parameters over Heterogeneous IP Networks. ICN (2) 2005: 718-727
7EEMassimo Bernaschi, Filippo Cacace, Raffaele Clementelli, Luca Vollero: Adaptive streaming on heterogeneous networks. WMuNeP 2005: 16-23
6EELuca Vollero: Providing Throughput Guarantees in WLANs Using ACKS. WOWMOM 2005: 490-492
5EELuca Vollero, Giulio Iannello: Frame Dropping: A QoS Mechanism for Multimedia Communications in WiFi Hot Spots. ICPP Workshops 2004: 54-59
4EELuca Vollero, Giulio Iannello: Analytical Modeling of a Traffic Differentiation Strategy for 802.11: (Extended Abstract). WONS 2004: 395-400
3EEGiulio Iannello, Antonio Pescapè, Giorgio Ventre, Luca Vollero: Experimental Analysis of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. WWIC 2004: 153-164
2 Giulio Iannello, Luca Vollero, Francesco Delfino: Performance characterization of a low-cost video codec on portable devices. ESTImedia 2003: 73-78
1EELuca Vollero, Giulio Iannello, Francesco Delfino: An Open Software Architecture for Structured Data Elaboration and Transcoding. ITCC 2003: 681-

Coauthor Index

1Simona Acanfora [12]
2Albert Banchs [11]
3Massimo Bernaschi [7] [14]
4Filippo Cacace [7] [12] [14] [15]
5Marco Cagnazzo [9]
6Raffaele Clementelli [7]
7Francesco Delfino [1] [2] [9]
8Giulio Iannello [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10] [12] [14]
9Katarzyna Kosek [13]
10Marek Natkaniec [13]
11Antonio Pescapè [3] [8]
12Massimo Vellucci [14]
13Giorgio Ventre [3] [8]
14Andrea Zinicola [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)