
Andreas Voigtmann

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7EELudger Becker, Hendrik Ditt, Klaus Hinrichs, Andreas Voigtmann: Constraints and Triggers: A Method for Ensuring Data Quality in an Object-Oriented Geo Database Kernel. ACM-GIS 1999: 160-161
6EELudger Becker, Andreas Voigtmann, Klaus Hinrichs: Temporal Indexing with Multidimensional File Structures. DEXA 1999: 1031-1040
5 Hendrik Ditt, Ludger Becker, Andreas Voigtmann, Klaus Hinrichs: Constraints and Triggers in an Object-Oriented Geo Database Kernel. DEXA Workshop 1997: 508-513
4 Andreas Voigtmann, Ludger Becker, Klaus Hinrichs: Physical Design Aspects of an Object-Oriented Geo-Database Kernel. DEXA Workshop 1997: 529-534
3 Andreas Voigtmann, Ludger Becker, Klaus Hinrichs: A Hierarchical Model for Multiresolution Surface Reconstruction. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 59(5): 333-348 (1997)
2 Ludger Becker, Andreas Voigtmann, Klaus Hinrichs: Temporal Support for Geo-Data in Object-Oriented Databases. DEXA 1996: 79-93
1 Andreas Voigtmann, Ludger Becker, Klaus Hinrichs: The Contrained Delaunay Pyramid - A Model for Reconstructing Surfaces at Multiple Resolutions. CCCG 1994: 177-182

Coauthor Index

1Ludger Becker [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Hendrik Ditt [5] [7]
3Klaus Hinrichs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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