
Ed Voermans

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4EEChritiene Aarts, Roland Carl Backhouse, Eerke A. Boiten, Henk Doornbos, Netty van Gasteren, Rik van Geldrop, Paul F. Hoogendijk, Ed Voermans, Jaap van der Woude: Fixed-Point Calculus. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(3): 131-136 (1995)
3 Roland Carl Backhouse, Peter J. de Bruin, Paul F. Hoogendijk, Grant Malcolm, Ed Voermans, Jaap van der Woude: Polynomial Relators (Extended Abstract). AMAST 1991: 303-326
2 Ed Voermans: Pers as Types, Inductive Types and Types with Laws. Declarative Programming 1991: 274-291
1 Graham Hutton, Ed Voermans: Making Functionality More General. Functional Programming 1991: 177-190

Coauthor Index

1Chritiene Aarts [4]
2Roland Carl Backhouse [3] [4]
3Eerke A. Boiten [4]
4Peter J. de Bruin [3]
5Henk Doornbos [4]
6Netty van Gasteren [4]
7Rik van Geldrop [4]
8Paul F. Hoogendijk [3] [4]
9Graham Hutton [1]
10Grant Malcolm [3]
11Jaap van der Woude [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)