
Tomas Vitvar

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27EEMaciej Zaremba, Maximilian Herold, Raluca Zaharia, Tomas Vitvar: Data and Process Mediation Support for B2B Integration. EON 2008
26EETomas Vitvar, Jacek Kopecký, Jana Viskova, Dieter Fensel: WSMO-Lite Annotations for Web Services. ESWC 2008: 674-689
25EEMaciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar: WSMX: A Solution for B2B Mediation and Discovery Scenarios. ESWC 2008: 884-889
24EEJacek Kopecký, Tomas Vitvar: WSMO-Lite: Lowering the Semantic Web Services Barrier with Modular and Light-Weight Annotations. ICSC 2008: 238-244
23EEMaciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar, Jacek Kopecký, M. Omair Shafiq: WSMX Middleware for Dynamic Discovery in B2B Integration. ICSC 2008: 496-497
22EETomas Vitvar, Adrian Mocan, Maciej Zaremba: Formal Model for Semantic-Driven Service Execution. International Semantic Web Conference 2008: 567-582
21EEXia Wang, Manfred Hauswirth, Tomas Vitvar, Maciej Zaremba: Semantic web services selection improved by application ontology with multiple concept relations. SAC 2008: 2237-2242
20 Sanaullah Nazir, Brahmananda Sapkota, Tomas Vitvar: Personalized Web Service Discovery. WEBIST (2) 2008: 82-89
19EEJacek Kopecký, Karthik Gomadam, Tomas Vitvar: hRESTS: An HTML Microformat for Describing RESTful Web Services. Web Intelligence 2008: 619-625
18EETomas Vitvar, Matthew Moran, Maciej Zaremba, Armin Haller, Paavo Kotinurmi: Semantic SOA to Promote Integration of Heterogeneous B2B Services. CEC/EEE 2007: 451-456
17EEBrahmananda Sapkota, Sanaullah Nazir, Tomas Vitvar, Ioan Toma, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Manfred Hauswirth: Semantic overlay for scalable service discovery. CollaborateCom 2007: 387-391
16EEMaciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar, Matthew Moran: Towards Optimized Data Fetching for Service Discovery. ECOWS 2007: 191-200
15EETomas Vitvar, Jacek Kopecký, Maciej Zaremba, Dieter Fensel: WSMO-Lite: Lightweight Semantic Descriptions for Services on the Web. ECOWS 2007: 77-86
14EETomas Vitvar, Maciej Zaremba, Matthew Moran: Dynamic Service Discovery Through Meta-interactions with Service Providers. ESWC 2007: 84-98
13EEXia Wang, Tomas Vitvar, Vassilios Peristeras, Adrian Mocan, Sotirios K. Goudos, Konstantinos A. Tarabanis: WSMO-PA: Formal Specification of Public Administration Service Model on Semantic Web Service Ontology. HICSS 2007: 96
12 Maciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar, Matthew Moran, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca, Christina Tziviskou: Towards Semantic Interoperabilty - In-depth Comparison of Two Approaches to Solving Semantic Web Service Challenge Mediation Tasks. ICEIS (4) 2007: 413-421
11EEArmin Haller, Paavo Kotinurmi, Tomas Vitvar, Eyal Oren: Handling heterogeneity in RosettaNet messages. SAC 2007: 1368-1374
10EEXia Wang, Tomas Vitvar, Manfred Hauswirth, Doug Foxvog: Building Application Ontologies from Descriptions of Semantic Web Services. Web Intelligence 2007: 337-343
9EEMatthew Moran, Tomas Vitvar, Maciej Zaremba: Towards Constraint-Based Composition with Incomplete Service Descriptions. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 161-165
8EEJacek Kopecký, Tomas Vitvar, Carine Bournez, Joel Farrell: SAWSDL: Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema. IEEE Internet Computing 11(6): 60-67 (2007)
7EETomas Vitvar, Michal Zaremba, Matthew Moran, Maciej Zaremba, Dieter Fensel: SESA: Emerging Technology for Service-Centric Environments. IEEE Software 24(6): 56-67 (2007)
6EETomas Vitvar, Adrian Mocan, Mick Kerrigan, Michal Zaremba, Maciej Zaremba, Matthew Moran, Emilia Cimpian, Thomas Haselwanter, Dieter Fensel: Semantically-enabled service oriented architecture : concepts, technology and application. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1(2): 129-154 (2007)
5EEPaavo Kotinurmi, Tomas Vitvar, Armin Haller, Ray Richardson, Aidan Boran: Semantic Web Services Enabled B2B Integration. DEECS 2006: 209-223
4EEXia Wang, Tomas Vitvar, Mick Kerrigan, Ioan Toma: A QoS-Aware Selection Model for Semantic Web Services. ICSOC 2006: 390-401
3EEThomas Haselwanter, Paavo Kotinurmi, Matthew Moran, Tomas Vitvar, Maciej Zaremba: WSMX: A Semantic Service Oriented Middleware for B2B Integration. ICSOC 2006: 477-483
2EEPaavo Kotinurmi, Tomas Vitvar: Adding semantics to rosettaNet specifications. WWW 2006: 1059-1060
1EETomas Vitvar, Jana Viskova: Semantic-enabled Integration of Voice and Data Services: Telecommunication Use Case. ECOWS 2005: 138-151

Coauthor Index

1Aidan Boran [5]
2Carine Bournez [8]
3Marco Brambilla [12]
4Stefano Ceri [12]
5Dario Cerizza [12]
6Emilia Cimpian [6]
7Federico Michele Facca [12]
8Joel Farrell [8]
9Dieter Fensel [6] [7] [15] [26]
10Doug Foxvog (Douglas Foxvog) [10]
11Karthik Gomadam [19]
12Sotirios K. Goudos [13]
13Armin Haller [5] [11] [18]
14Thomas Haselwanter [3] [6]
15Manfred Hauswirth [10] [17] [21]
16Maximilian Herold [27]
17Mick Kerrigan [4] [6]
18Jacek Kopecký [8] [15] [19] [23] [24] [26]
19Paavo Kotinurmi [2] [3] [5] [11] [18]
20Adrian Mocan [6] [13] [22]
21Matthew Moran [3] [6] [7] [9] [12] [14] [16] [18]
22Sanaullah Nazir [17] [20]
23Eyal Oren [11]
24Vassilios Peristeras [13]
25Ray Richardson [5]
26Brahmananda Sapkota [17] [20]
27M. Omair Shafiq [23]
28Konstantinos A. Tarabanis [13]
29Ioan Toma [4] [17]
30Christina Tziviskou [12]
31Emanuele Della Valle [12]
32Laurentiu Vasiliu [17]
33Jana Viskova [1] [26]
34Xia Wang [4] [10] [13] [21]
35Raluca Zaharia [27]
36Maciej Zaremba [3] [6] [7] [9] [12] [14] [15] [16] [18] [21] [22] [23] [25] [27]
37Michal Zaremba [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)