
Samuli Visuri

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3EEBernd Bandemer, Samuli Visuri: Capacity-Based Uplink Scheduling Using Long-Term Channel Knowledge. ICC 2007: 785-790
2EESamuli Visuri, Helmut Bölcskei: Multiple-Access Strategies for Frequency-Selective MIMO Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(9): 3980-3993 (2006)
1 Samuli Visuri, Hannu Oja, Visa Koivunen: Multichannel signal processing using spatial rank covariance matrices. NSIP 1999: 75-79

Coauthor Index

1Bernd Bandemer [3]
2Helmut Bölcskei [2]
3Visa Koivunen [1]
4Hannu Oja [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)