
Philippe Vismara

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4EEPhilippe Vismara, Benoît Valery: Finding Maximum Common Connected Subgraphs Using Clique Detection or Constraint Satisfaction Algorithms. MCO 2008: 358-368
3EEPhilippe Vismara, Yannic S. Tognetti, Claude Laurenço: Maximum Symmetrical Split of Molecular Graphs. Application to Organic Synthesis Design. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45(3): 685-695 (2005)
2EEPhilippe Vismara: Union of all the Minimum Cycle Bases of a Graph. Electr. J. Comb. 4(1): (1997)
1 Philippe Vismara: Appariements dirigés pour le raisonnement par classification sur des hiérarchies de graphes. LMO 1996: 201-214

Coauthor Index

1Claude Laurenço [3]
2Yannic S. Tognetti [3]
3Benoît Valery [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)