
Sankar Virdhagriswaran

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6EESankar Virdhagriswaran, Gordon Dakin: Camouflaged fraud detection in domains with complex relationships. KDD 2006: 941-947
5EEJonathan Rees, Sarah Ferguson, Sankar Virdhagriswaran: Consistency Management for Distributed Collaboration. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(2es): 13 (1999)
4EEDejan S. Milojicic, Markus Breugst, Ingo Busse, John Campbell, Stefan Covaci, Barry Friedman, Kazuya Kosaka, Danny B. Lange, Kouichi Ono, Mitsuru Oshima, Cynthia Tham, Sankar Virdhagriswaran, Jim White: MASIF: The OMG Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility. Mobile Agents 1998: 50-67
3EEChidambaram Vishwanath, Gerhard Wetzel, Sankar Virdhagriswaran: Querying Database-Backed Web Sites. QL 1998
2 Dejan S. Milojicic, Markus Breugst, Ingo Busse, John Campbell, Stefan Covaci, Barry Friedman, Kazuya Kosaka, Danny B. Lange, Kouichi Ono, Mitsuru Oshima, Cynthia Tham, Sankar Virdhagriswaran, Jim White: MASIF: The OMG Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2(2): (1998)
1EESankar Virdhagriswaran, Mike Webb, Jeff Mallatt: Manufacturing collaboration resource discovery system (McRDS. WETICE 1995: 117-127

Coauthor Index

1Markus Breugst [2] [4]
2Ingo Busse [2] [4]
3John Campbell [2] [4]
4Stefan Covaci [2] [4]
5Gordon Dakin [6]
6Sarah Ferguson [5]
7Barry Friedman [2] [4]
8Kazuya Kosaka [2] [4]
9Danny B. Lange [2] [4]
10Jeff Mallatt [1]
11Dejan S. Milojicic [2] [4]
12Kouichi Ono [2] [4]
13Mitsuru Oshima [2] [4]
14Jonathan Rees [5]
15Cynthia Tham [2] [4]
16Chidambaram Vishwanath [3]
17Mike Webb [1]
18Gerhard Wetzel [3]
19Jim White [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)