
Juan Vinyes

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4 Arturo Azcorra, Enrique Vázquez, Manuel Alvarez-Campana, Juan Vinyes: Formal Description Techniques at Work: An ISDN Q.931 Implementation Using LOTOS. PSTV 1993: 175-189
3 J. Vozmediano, Julio Berrocal, Juan Vinyes: Architectures for Interworking between B-ISDN and Frame Relay. HPN 1992: 443-454
2 D. Fernández, Enrique Vázquez, Juan Vinyes: Io: An Estelle Simulator for Performance Evaluation. FORTE 1991: 51-66
1 Enrique Vázquez, Pedro Sandoval, Marifeli Sedano, Juan Vinyes: Automatic Implementation of TP4/IP with an Estelle Workstation. Development Methodology and Performance Evaluation. PSTV 1991: 125-139

Coauthor Index

1Manuel Alvarez-Campana [4]
2Arturo Azcorra [4]
3Julio Berrocal [3]
4D. Fernández [2]
5Pedro Sandoval [1]
6Marifeli Sedano [1]
7Enrique Vázquez [1] [2] [4]
8J. Vozmediano [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)