
Alex Vinokur

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4EEAlex Vinokur: Computing Fibonacci numbers on a Turing Machine CoRR abs/cs/0601050: (2006)
3EEAlex Vinokur: Fibonacci connection between Huffman codes and Wythoff array CoRR cs.DM/0410013: (2004)
2EEAlex Vinokur: Fibonacci-Like Polynomials Produced by m-ary Huffman Codes for Absolutely Ordered Sequences CoRR cs.DM/0411002: (2004)
1EEAlex Vinokur: Turing Machine with Faults, Failures and Recovery CoRR cs.LO/0410051: (2004)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)