
Leo J. De Vin

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3EEGunnar Backstrand, Dan Högberg, Leo J. De Vin, Keith Case, Paul Piamonte: Ergonomics analysis in a virtual environment. IJMR 2(2): 198-208 (2007)
2 Amos Ng, Leo J. De Vin, Martin Sundberg, Fredrik Oldefors, Philip Moore, Sanho Yeo: An Integrated Environment for Machine System Simulation, Remote Monitoring and Fault Detection. ICINCO (2) 2004: 150-157
1EELeo J. De Vin, Mats Jägstam: Why we need to offer a modeling and simulation engineering curriculum. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 1599-1604

Coauthor Index

1Gunnar Backstrand [3]
2Keith Case [3]
3Dan Högberg [3]
4Mats Jägstam [1]
5Philip Moore [2]
6Amos Ng [2]
7Fredrik Oldefors [2]
8Paul Piamonte [3]
9Martin Sundberg [2]
10Sanho Yeo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)