
Víctor A. Villagrá

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13EEJosé A. Lozano, Alfonso Castro, Juan M. González, Jorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Vicente Olmedo: Autonomic Provisioning Model for Digital Home Services. MACE 2008: 114-119
12EEManuel Alvarez-Campana, Enrique Vázquez, Joan Vinyes, Víctor A. Villagrá: Measuring Quality of Experience of Internet Access over HSDPA. MWCN/PWC 2008: 225-234
11EEJorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Carlos Fadón, Juan M. González, José A. Lozano, Manuel Alvarez-Campana: An autonomic approach to offer services in OSGi-based home gateways. Computer Communications 31(13): 3049-3058 (2008)
10EEAntonio Guerrero, Víctor A. Villagrá, Jorge E. López de Vergara, Alfonso Sánchez-Macián, Julio Berrocal: Ontology-Based Policy Refinement Using SWRL Rules for Management Information Definitions in OWL. DSOM 2006: 227-232
9EEJorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal: On the Formalization of the Common Information Model Metaschema. DSOM 2005: 1-11
8EEAntonio Guerrero, Víctor A. Villagrá, Jorge E. López de Vergara, Julio Berrocal: Ontology-Based Integration of Management Behaviour and Information Definitions Using SWRL and OWL. DSOM 2005: 12-23
7EEJorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal: Application of OWL-S to Define Management Interfaces Based on Web Services. MMNS 2005: 242-253
6EERoney Pignaton, Víctor A. Villagrá, Juan I. Asensio, Julio Berrocal: Developing QoS-aware Component-Based Applications Using MDA Principles. EDOC 2004: 172-183
5EEJorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal: Benefits of Using Ontologies in the Management of High Speed Networks. HSNMC 2004: 1007-1018
4 Jorge E. López de Vergara, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal, Juan I. Asensio, Roney Pignaton: Semantic Management: Application of Ontologies for the Integration of Management Information Models. Integrated Network Management 2003: 131-134
3EEVíctor A. Villagrá, Jorge E. López de Vergara, Julio Berrocal, Roney Pignaton: An approach to the transparent management instrumentation of distributed applications. NOMS 2002: 887-889
2EEFrancisco Valera, Jorge E. López de Vergara, José I. Moreno, Víctor A. Villagrá, Julio Berrocal: Communication management experiences in e-commerce. Commun. ACM 44(4): 63-69 (2001)
1EEJuan I. Asensio, Víctor A. Villagrá, José I. Moreno, Julio Berrocal: An Approach to Electronic Brokerage in TINA Environments. IS&N 1998: 339-350

Coauthor Index

1Manuel Alvarez-Campana [11] [12]
2Juan I. Asensio [1] [4] [6]
3Julio Berrocal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Alfonso Castro [13]
5Carlos Fadón [11]
6Juan M. González [11] [13]
7Antonio Guerrero [8] [10]
8José A. Lozano [11] [13]
9José I. Moreno [1] [2]
10Vicente Olmedo [13]
11Roney Pignaton [3] [4] [6]
12Alfonso Sánchez-Macián [10]
13Francisco Valera [2]
14Enrique Vázquez [12]
15Jorge E. López de Vergara [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13]
16Joan Vinyes [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)