
Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve

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10EEA. Pérez-Carrió, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, J. Llorens, Fernando García-Alonso: A computational algorithm for system modelling based on bi-dimensional finite element techniques. Advances in Engineering Software 40(1): 30-40 (2009)
9EEPatricia Sastre-Vázquez, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Fernando García-Alonso, José A. Reyes: Modelling of Statistical Laws for Texts Using a Pearson System. Cybernetics and Systems 40(1): 52-64 (2009)
8EEPatricia Sastre-Vázquez, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, José A. Reyes, Fernando García-Alonso: Interpretation of the Generalized Zipf-Mandelbrot Law Parameters. Cybernetics and Systems 40(4): 326-336 (2009)
7EEF. Verdú, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve: A computational algorithm for the multiple generation of nonlinear mathematical models and stability study. Advances in Engineering Software 39(5): 430-437 (2008)
6 Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, M. A. Castro-Lopez, Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech, Patricia Sastre-Vázquez: Notional Logic of Systems. Cybernetics and Systems 33(3): 189-201 (2002)
5EEJosep Lluis Usó-Domènech, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Jorge Mateu-Mahiques, Patricia Sastre-Vázquez: Uncertainty and Complementarity Principles in Ecological Models. Cybernetics and Systems 31(2): 137-159 (2000)
4 M. Cortés, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Jorge Mateu, Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech: A new methodology for modelling highly structured systems. Environmental Modelling and Software 15(5): 461-470 (2000)
3EEYolanda Villacampa-Esteve, M. A. Castro-Lopez, Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech, Patricia Sastre-Vázquez: A Text Theory of Ecological System. Cybernetics and Systems 30(7): 587-607 (1999)
2EEPatricia Sastre-Vázquez, Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech, Jorge Mateu, Patricia Salvador, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve: Statistical Linguistic Laws in Ecological Models. Cybernetics and Systems 30(8): 697-724 (1999)
1EEMiguel Lloret-Climent, Yolanda Villacampa-Esteve, Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech: System-linkage: Structural Functions and Hierarchies. Cybernetics and Systems 29(1): 35-46 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1M. A. Castro-Lopez [3] [6]
2M. Cortés [4]
3Fernando García-Alonso [8] [9] [10]
4J. Llorens [10]
5Miguel Lloret-Climent [1]
6Jorge Mateu [2] [4]
7Jorge Mateu-Mahiques [5]
8A. Pérez-Carrió [10]
9José A. Reyes [8] [9]
10Patricia Salvador [2]
11Patricia Sastre-Vázquez [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9]
12Josep Lluis Usó-Domènech [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
13F. Verdú [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)