
Patricia Vilain

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6 Caio Stein D'Agostini, Patricia Vilain: MARVIN - Modeling Environments with Ubiquitous Computing. ICEIS (3-1) 2008: 262-265
5 Alexandre Lazaretti Zanatta, Patricia Vilain: Agile Methods and Quality Models: Towards an Integration in Requirements Engineering. SEKE 2007: 173-178
4 Patricia Vilain, Priscila Basto Fagundes, Thiago Leao Machado: A Framework for Selecting Agile Practices and Defining Agile Software Processes. SEKE 2007: 25-28
3EEAlexandre Lazaretti Zanatta, Patricia Vilain: Uma análise do método ágil Scrum conforme abordagem nas áreas de processo Gerenciamento e Desenvolvimento de Requisitos do CMMI. WER 2005: 209-220
2EENatacha Güell, Daniel Schwabe, Patricia Vilain: Modeling Interactions and Navigation in Web Applications. ER (Workshops) 2000: 115-127
1EEPatricia Vilain, Daniel Schwabe, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza: A Diagrammatic Tool for Representing User Interaction in UML. UML 2000: 133-147

Coauthor Index

1Caio Stein D'Agostini [6]
2Priscila Basto Fagundes [4]
3Natacha Güell [2]
4Thiago Leao Machado [4]
5Daniel Schwabe [1] [2]
6Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza [1]
7Alexandre Lazaretti Zanatta [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)