2008 |
5 | EE | Alexandre Viejo,
Francesc Sebé,
Josep Domingo-Ferrer:
Secure and scalable many-to-one symbol transmission for sensor networks.
Computer Communications 31(10): 2408-2413 (2008) |
4 | EE | Josep Domingo-Ferrer,
Alexandre Viejo,
Francesc Sebé,
Úrsula González-Nicolás:
Privacy homomorphisms for social networks with private relationships.
Computer Networks 52(15): 3007-3016 (2008) |
2007 |
3 | EE | Alexandre Viejo,
Francesc Sebé,
Josep Domingo-Ferrer:
Secure and Private Incentive-Based Advertisement Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
IWSEC 2007: 185-198 |
2 | EE | Jordi Castellà-Roca,
Vanesa Daza,
Josep Domingo-Ferrer,
Jesús A. Manjón,
Francesc Sebé,
Alexandre Viejo:
An Incentive-Based System for Information Providers over Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
MDAI 2007: 380-392 |
1 | EE | Francesc Sebé,
Alexandre Viejo,
Josep Domingo-Ferrer:
Secure many-to-one symbol transmission for implementation on smart cards.
Computer Networks 51(9): 2299-2307 (2007) |