
Jean-François Vibert

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14 Pierre P. Lévy, Bénédicte Le Grand, François Poulet, Michel Soto, László Daragó, Laurent Toubiana, Jean-François Vibert: Pixelization Paradigm, First Visual Information Expert Workshop, VIEW 2006, Paris, France, April 24-25, 2006, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
13EEJean-François Vibert, Fabián Alvarez, José Pedro Segundo: Visu and Xtms: Point Process Visualisation and Analysis Tools. VIEW 2006: 173-182
12EEFabián Alvarez, Jean-François Vibert: Self-oscillatory dynamics in recurrent excitatory networks. Neurocomputing 44-46: 257-262 (2002)
11EEEfstratios K. Kosmidis, Jean-François Vibert: Feed-forward inhibition in the visual thalamus. Neurocomputing 44-46: 479-487 (2002)
10EEJean-François Vibert, Fabián Alvarez, Efstratios K. Kosmidis: XNBC V9: A user friendly simulation and analysis tool for neurobiologists. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1715-1723 (2001)
9EEEfstratios K. Kosmidis, Jean-François Vibert: A model of respiration rhythmogenesis bridging network and pacemaker theories. Neurocomputing 38-40: 733-739 (2001)
8 Jean-François Vibert: XNBC: Simulating biological neural networks. HCC 1998: 273-290
7EEJoël Pham, Khashayar Pakdaman, Jean Champagnat, Jean-François Vibert: Activity in sparsely connected excitatory neural networks: effect of connectivity. Neural Networks 11(3): 415-434 (1998)
6EEKhashayar Pakdaman, C. Grotta-Ragazzo, C. P. Malta, Ovide Arino, Jean-François Vibert: Effect of delay on the boundary of the basin of attraction in a system of two neurons. Neural Networks 11(3): 509-519 (1998)
5EEKhashayar Pakdaman, C. P. Malta, C. Grotta-Ragazzo, Jean-François Vibert: Effect of Delay on the Boundary of the Basin of Attraction in a Self-Excited Single Graded-Response Neuron. Neural Computation 9(2): 319-336 (1997)
4EEKhashayar Pakdaman, Jean-François Vibert, Eric Boussard, Noureddine Azmy: Single Neuron with Recurrent Excitation: Effect of the Transmission Delay. Neural Networks 9(5): 797-818 (1996)
3 Arjen van Ooyen, Khashayar Pakdaman, Arthur R. Houweling, Jaap van Pelt, Jean-François Vibert: Network Connectivity Changes through Activity-Dependent Neurite Outgrowth. Neural Processing Letters 3(3): 123-130 (1996)
2EEJean-François Vibert, Khashayar Pakdaman, Noureddine Azmy: Interneural delay modification synchronizes biologically plausible neural networks. Neural Networks 7(4): 589-607 (1994)
1EEEric Boussard, Jean-François Vibert: Dopaminergic Neuromodulation Brings a Dynamical Plasticity to the Retina. NIPS 1993: 559-565

Coauthor Index

1Fabián Alvarez [10] [12] [13]
2Ovide Arino [6]
3Noureddine Azmy [2] [4]
4Eric Boussard [1] [4]
5Jean Champagnat [7]
6László Daragó [14]
7Bénédicte Le Grand [14]
8C. Grotta-Ragazzo [5] [6]
9Arthur R. Houweling [3]
10Efstratios K. Kosmidis [9] [10] [11]
11Pierre P. Lévy [14]
12C. P. Malta [5] [6]
13Arjen van Ooyen [3]
14Khashayar Pakdaman [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
15Jaap van Pelt [3]
16Joël Pham [7]
17François Poulet [14]
18José Pedro Segundo [13]
19Michel Soto [14]
20Laurent Toubiana [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)