
Jacques Verriet

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4 Jacques Verriet: Scheduling tree-like task systems with non-uniform deadlines subject to unit-length communication delays. Discrete Applied Mathematics 101(1-3): 269-289 (2000)
3 Jacques Verriet: Scheduling outtrees of height one in the LogP model. Parallel Computing 26(9): 1065-1082 (2000)
2 Jacques Verriet: Scheduling interval-ordered tasks with non-uniform deadlines subject to non-zero communication delays. Parallel Computing 25(1): 3-21 (1999)
1 Jacques Verriet: Scheduling Interval Ordered Tasks with Non-Uniform Deadlines. ISAAC 1996: 366-375

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)