
John R. Venable

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8 John R. Venable: Improving Requirements Analysis - Rigourous Problem Analysis and Formulation with Coloured Cognitive Maps. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 466-470
7EERichard Baskerville, Alison E. Adam, Helmut Krcmar, Joe Peppard, John R. Venable: Panel: IT employment and shifting enrolment patterns in information systems. ECIS 2005
6 Leo Pudhota, Elizabeth Chang, Jon Davis, John R. Venable: Collaborative Workflow Management for Logistics Consortium. Computer Supported Acitivity Coordination 2004: 246-252
5 Leo Pudhota, Elizabeth Chang, John R. Venable: E-Business Technology Adaptation through Workflow Mining. MSV/AMCS 2004: 235-238
4 John R. Venable, Julie Travis: Developing a Virtual Community-based Information Systems Digital Library: A Proposal and Research Program. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT 2000: 319-338
3EEJohn R. Venable: Commentary on 'the effect of graphic style on data model interpretation'. Inf. Syst. J. 9(2): 157- (1999)
2 John C. Grundy, John R. Venable: Providing Integrated Support for Multiple Development Notations CAiSE 1995: 255-268
1EEJohn R. Venable, John C. Grundy: Integrating and Supporting Entity Relationship and Object Role Models. OOER 1995: 318-328

Coauthor Index

1Alison E. Adam [7]
2Richard Baskerville [7]
3Elizabeth Chang [5] [6]
4Jon Davis [6]
5John C. Grundy [1] [2]
6Helmut Krcmar [7]
7Joe Peppard [7]
8Leo Pudhota [5] [6]
9Julie Travis [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)