
Shankar Vembu

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7EEShankar Vembu, Thomas Gärtner, Stefan Wrobel: Semidefinite Ranking on Graphs. MLG 2007
6EEDaniel Oberle, Anupriya Ankolekar, Pascal Hitzler, Philipp Cimiano, Michael Sintek, Malte Kiesel, Babak Mougouie, Stephan Baumann, Shankar Vembu, Massimo Romanelli: DOLCE ergo SUMO: On foundational and domain models in the SmartWeb Integrated Ontology (SWIntO). J. Web Sem. 5(3): 156-174 (2007)
5EEShankar Vembu, Stephan Baumann: Are we Ready to Embrace the Semantic Web? Content-Based Retrieval 2006
4EEElisabeth Wolf, Shankar Vembu, Tristan Miller: On the Use of Topic Models for Word Completion. FinTAL 2006: 500-511
3EEShankar Vembu, Stephan Baumann: Separation of Vocals from Polyphonic Audio Recordings . ISMIR 2005: 337-344
2EEShankar Vembu, Stephan Baumann: A Self-Organizing Map Based Knowledge Discovery for Music Recommendation Systems. CMMR 2004: 119-129
1EEStephan Baumann, Tim Pohle, Shankar Vembu: Towards a Socio-cultural Compatibility of MIR Systems. ISMIR 2004

Coauthor Index

1Anupriya Ankolekar [6]
2Stephan Baumann [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
3Philipp Cimiano [6]
4Thomas Gärtner [7]
5Pascal Hitzler [6]
6Malte Kiesel [6]
7Tristan Miller [4]
8Babak Mougouie [6]
9Daniel Oberle [6]
10Tim Pohle [1]
11Massimo Romanelli [6]
12Michael Sintek [6]
13Elisabeth Wolf [4]
14Stefan Wrobel [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)