
Igor Velbitskiy

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4EEIoannis P. Vlahavas, Nick Bassiliades, Ilias Sakellariou, Martín Molina, Sascha Ossowski, Ivan Futó, Zoltán Pásztor, János Szeredi, Igor Velbitskiy, Sergey Yershov, Igor Netesin: ExperNet: An Intelligent Multiagent System for WAN Management. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(1): 62-72 (2002)
3EEIoannis P. Vlahavas, Nick Bassiliades, Ilias Sakellariou, Martín Molina, Sascha Ossowski, Ivan Futó, Zoltán Pásztor, János Szeredi, Igor Velbitskiy, Sergey Yershov, Sergey Golub, Igor Netesin: System Architecture of a Distributed Expert System for the Management of a National Data Network. AIMSA 1998: 438-451
2 Igor Velbitskiy, Sergey Yershov, Igor Netesin: CDCS: A New Development Approach for Distributed Applications in Java. JMLC 1997: 170-181
1 Igor Ushakov, Igor Velbitskiy: Visual Programming in R-Techonolgy: Concepts, Systems and Perspectives. EWHCI 1993: 181-195

Coauthor Index

1Nick Bassiliades (N. Bassiliades) [3] [4]
2Ivan Futó [3] [4]
3Sergey Golub [3]
4Martín Molina [3] [4]
5Igor Netesin [2] [3] [4]
6Sascha Ossowski [3] [4]
7Zoltán Pásztor [3] [4]
8Ilias Sakellariou [3] [4]
9János Szeredi [3] [4]
10Igor Ushakov [1]
11Ioannis P. Vlahavas [3] [4]
12Sergey Yershov [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)