
Jaap J. W. van der Vegt

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5EEYan Xu, Jaap J. W. van der Vegt, Onno Bokhove: Discontinuous Hamiltonian Finite Element Method for Linear Hyperbolic Systems. J. Sci. Comput. 35(2-3): 241-265 (2008)
4EELars Pesch, Alexander Bell, Henk Sollie, Vijaya R. Ambati, Onno Bokhove, Jaap J. W. van der Vegt: hpGEM - A software framework for discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 33(4): (2007)
3EED. Sármány, M. A. Botchev, Jaap J. W. van der Vegt: Dispersion and Dissipation Error in High-Order Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Discretisations of the Maxwell Equations. J. Sci. Comput. 33(1): 47-74 (2007)
2EEJaap J. W. van der Vegt, S. K. Tomar: Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Linear Free-Surface Gravity Waves. J. Sci. Comput. 22(1): 531-567 (2005)
1 Harmen van der Ven, Jaap J. W. van der Vegt: Experiences with Advanced CFD Algorithms on NEC SX-4. VECPAR 1996: 236-246

Coauthor Index

1Vijaya R. Ambati [4]
2Alexander Bell [4]
3Onno Bokhove [4] [5]
4M. A. Botchev [3]
5Lars Pesch [4]
6D. Sármány [3]
7Henk Sollie [4]
8S. K. Tomar [2]
9Harmen van der Ven [1]
10Yan Xu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)