
Antonio Vega-Corona

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6EEJ. Miguel Barrón-Adame, J. A. Herrera Delgado, M. G. Cortina-Januchs, Diego Andina, Antonio Vega-Corona: Air Pollutant Level Estimation Applying a Self-organizing Neural Network. IWINAC (2) 2007: 599-607
5EEFulgencio S. Buendía Buendía, J. Miguel Barrón-Adame, Antonio Vega-Corona, Diego Andina: Improving GRNNs in CAD Systems. ICA 2004: 160-167
4EEDiego Andina, Santiago Torres-Alegre, Antonio Vega-Corona, Antonio Álvarez-Vellisco: Advances in Neyman-Pearson Neural Detectors Design. IWANN (2) 2003: 249-256
3EEJuan Seijas, Carmen Morató, Diego Andina, Antonio Vega-Corona: Improving the Efficiency of Multiple Sequence Alignment by Genetic Algorithms. IWANN (2) 2003: 361-368
2EEAntonio Vega-Corona, Antonio Álvarez-Vellisco, Diego Andina: Feature Vectors Generation for Detection of Microcalcifications in Digitized Mammography Using Neural Networks. IWANN (2) 2003: 583-590
1EEDiego Andina, Antonio Vega-Corona: Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms by the Combination of a Neural Detector and Multiscale Feature Enhancement. IWANN (2) 2001: 385-392

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Álvarez-Vellisco [2] [4]
2Diego Andina [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3J. Miguel Barrón-Adame [5] [6]
4Fulgencio S. Buendía Buendía [5]
5M. G. Cortina-Januchs [6]
6J. A. Herrera Delgado [6]
7Carmen Morató [3]
8Juan Seijas [3]
9Santiago Torres-Alegre [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)