
Dharmaraj Veeramani

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7EEDharmaraj Veeramani, Jenny Tang, Alfonso Gutierrez: A Framework for Assessing the Value of RFID Implementation by Tier-One Suppliers to Major Retailers. JTAER 3(1): 55-70 (2008)
6EEDebasis Mishra, Dharmaraj Veeramani: Vickrey-Dutch procurement auction for multiple items. European Journal of Operational Research 180(2): 617-629 (2007)
5EEDebasis Mishra, Sunil S. Reddy, Dharmaraj Veeramani: Performance Evaluation of Multi-Object Auctions. Electronic Commerce Research 5(2): 293-307 (2005)
4EEDebasis Mishra, Dharmaraj Veeramani: A Multi-Attribute Reverse Auction for Outsourcing. DEXA Workshops 2002: 675-679
3EEDharmaraj Veeramani, Yuh-Shying Gau: Selection of an optimal set of cutting-tool sizes for 2D pocket machining. Computer-Aided Design 29(12): 869-877 (1997)
2EEDharmaraj Veeramani: Task and Resource Allocation via Auctioning. Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 945-954
1EEDharmaraj Veeramani, Moshe M. Barash, James R. Wilson: A method for generating random cutting-tool requirement matrices for manufacturing systems simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1991: 854-860

Coauthor Index

1Moshe M. Barash [1]
2Yuh-Shying Gau [3]
3Alfonso Gutierrez [7]
4Debasis Mishra [4] [5] [6]
5Sunil S. Reddy [5]
6Jenny Tang [7]
7James R. Wilson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)