
Frank Vavak

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7 Jim Smith, Frank Vavak: Replacement Strategies in Steady State Genetic Algorithms: Static Environments. FOGA 1998: 219-234
6 Frank Vavak, Ken Jukes, Terence C. Fogarty: Adaptive Combustion Balancing in Multiple Burner Boiler Using a Genetic Algorithm with Variable Range of Local Search. ICGA 1997: 719-726
5 Frank Vavak, Terence C. Fogarty: A Comparative Study of Steady State and Generational Genetic Algorithms. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1996: 297-304
4 Frank Vavak, Terence C. Fogarty: Comparison of Steady State and Generational Genetic Algorithms for Use in Nonstationary Environments. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1996: 192-195
3 Frank Vavak, Terence C. Fogarty, Ken Jukes: A Genetic Algorithm with Variable Range of Local Search for Tracking Changing Environments. PPSN 1996: 376-385
2 Frank Vavak, Terence C. Fogarty, Phillip Cheng: Load Balancing Application of the Genetic Algorithm in a Nonstationary Environment. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1995: 224-233
1 Terence C. Fogarty, Frank Vavak, Phillip Cheng: Use of the Genetic Algorithm for Load Balancing of Sugar Beet Presses. ICGA 1995: 617-624

Coauthor Index

1Phillip Cheng [1] [2]
2Terence C. Fogarty [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Ken Jukes [3] [6]
4Jim Smith [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)