
Zlatko Varbanov

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3EEZlatko Varbanov: Some Results for Identification for Sources and its Extension to Liar Models. Combinatorial and Algorithmic Foundations of Pattern and Association Discovery 2006
2EEIliya Bouyukliev, Zlatko Varbanov: Some results for linear binary codes with minimum distance 5 and 6. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(12): 4387-4391 (2005)
1EEIliya Bouyukliev, Markus Grassl, Zlatko Varbanov: New bounds for n4(k, d) and classification of some optimal codes over GF(4). Discrete Mathematics 281(1-3): 43-66 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Iliya Bouyukliev [1] [2]
2Markus Grassl [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)