
Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste

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8 Hans Vangheluwe, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: The cellular automata formalism and its relationship to DEVS. ESM 2000: 800-810
7 Danny Van Welden, Derek Verweij, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Incorporating Heuristic Rules in a Multifaceted System. EUROCAST 1991: 295-306
6 Zhiguo Yuan, Chuanyuan Wen, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Towards Formalism of Deep Model Descriptions of Dynamic Systems. EUROCAST 1991: 307-322
5 Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Interfaces to Simulation. Simulationstechnik 1988: 14-18
4 Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste, Eugene J. H. Kerckhoffs: An Environment for Ill-Defined Systems Research. Simulationstechnik 1988: 204-211
3 Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Simulation Methodology for Improved Process Interaction. ESC 1983: 32-43
2 D. R. De Buyser, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Building an On-Line Sensor for Biomass through Modelling. ESC 1983: 390-396
1 G. Baron, S. J. Wajc, J. Spriet, Ghislain C. Vansteenkiste: Modelling Dispersion in a Submerged Sewage Field. Optimization Techniques 1975: 229-245

Coauthor Index

1G. Baron [1]
2D. R. De Buyser [2]
3Eugene J. H. Kerckhoffs [4]
4J. Spriet [1]
5Hans Vangheluwe [8]
6Derek Verweij [7]
7S. J. Wajc [1]
8Danny Van Welden [7]
9Chuanyuan Wen [6]
10Zhiguo Yuan [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)