
Nico Vandaele

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8EETom Van Woensel, Laoucine Kerbache, Herbert Peremans, Nico Vandaele: Vehicle routing with dynamic travel times: A queueing approach. European Journal of Operational Research 186(3): 990-1007 (2008)
7EEJoost van Lier, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse, Liesje De Boeck, Ton Dohmen, Nico Vandaele, Marc Lambrecht: Benefits Management and Strategic Alignment in an IT Outsourcing Context. HICSS 2007: 206
6EETom Van Woensel, Nico Vandaele: Modeling Traffic Flows with Queueing Models: a Review. APJOR 24(4): 435-461 (2007)
5EEKris Lieckens, Nico Vandaele: Reverse logistics network design with stochastic lead times. Computers & OR 34(2): 395-416 (2007)
4EEInneke Van Nieuwenhuyse, Nico Vandaele, Kumar Rajaram, Uday S. Karmarkar: Buffer sizing in multi-product multi-reactor batch processes: Impact of allocation and campaign sizing policies. European Journal of Operational Research 179(2): 424-443 (2007)
3EETom Van Woensel, Nico Vandaele: Empirical validation of a queueing approach to uninterrupted traffic flows. 4OR 4(1): 59-72 (2006)
2EETom Van Woensel, Bart Wuyts, Nico Vandaele: Validating state-dependent queueing models for uninterrupted traffic flows using simulation. 4OR 4(2): 159-174 (2006)
1EENico Vandaele, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse, Sascha Cupers: Optimal grouping for a nuclear magnetic resonance scanner by means of an open queueing model. European Journal of Operational Research 151(1): 181-192 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Liesje De Boeck [7]
2Sascha Cupers [1]
3Ton Dohmen [7]
4Uday S. Karmarkar [4]
5Laoucine Kerbache [8]
6Marc Lambrecht [7]
7Kris Lieckens [5]
8Joost van Lier [7]
9Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse [1] [4] [7]
10Herbert Peremans [8]
11Kumar Rajaram [4]
12Tom Van Woensel [2] [3] [6] [8]
13Bart Wuyts [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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