2007 |
18 | EE | Derek Beaton,
Iren Valova:
RADDACL: A Recursive Algorithm for Clustering and Density Discovery on Non-linearly Separable Data.
IJCNN 2007: 1633-1638 |
17 | EE | Daniel MacLean,
Iren Valova:
Parallel Growing SOM Monitored by Genetic Algorithm.
IJCNN 2007: 1697-1702 |
16 | EE | Iren Valova,
Oxana Lapteva,
Natacha Gueorguieva:
Modeling of neurotransmitter effects in olfactory bulb.
Neural Computing and Applications 16(4-5): 341-353 (2007) |
15 | EE | Iren Valova,
Natacha Gueorguieva,
Frank Troescher,
Oxana Lapteva:
Modeling of inhibition/excitation firing in olfactory bulb through spiking neurons.
Neural Computing and Applications 16(4-5): 355-372 (2007) |
2006 |
14 | EE | John Hammond,
Daniel MacClean,
Iren Valova:
A Parallel Implementation of a Growing SOM Promoting Independent Neural Networks over Distributed Input Space.
IJCNN 2006: 958-965 |
13 | EE | Natacha Gueorguieva,
Iren Valova,
Georgi Georgiev:
Learning and data clustering with an RBF-based spiking neuron network.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(1): 73-86 (2006) |
2005 |
12 | | John Hammond,
Stephen Fischer,
Iren Valova:
Parallel algorithm for growing SOM with regions of influence and neuron inertia.
Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2005: 292-297 |
11 | | Derek Beaton,
Iren Valova:
Alzheimer's detection using neural network techniques and enhanced EEG measurements.
Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2005: 303-307 |
10 | EE | Iren Valova,
Daniel Szer,
Natacha Gueorguieva,
Alexandre Buer:
A parallel growing architecture for self-organizing maps with unsupervised learning.
Neurocomputing 68: 177-195 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | | Natacha Gueorguieva,
Iren Valova:
ICA based neural network for image denoising.
Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 380-385 |
8 | | George Georgiev,
Iren Valova,
Natacha Gueorguieva,
Kiril Tchimev:
Coding and Computations with Spiking Neural Networks.
IC-AI 2004: 147-153 |
7 | | Natacha Gueorguieva,
Georgi Georgiev,
Iren Valova:
A Spiking Neuron Model of Olfactory Bulb Dynamics.
IC-AI 2004: 319-325 |
6 | EE | Iren Valova,
Natacha Gueorguieva,
Yukio Kosugi:
An oscillation-driven neural network for the simulation of an olfactory system.
Neural Computing and Applications 13(1): 65-79 (2004) |
2003 |
5 | | Natacha Gueorguieva,
Georgi Georgiev,
Iren Valova:
Facial Expression Recognition Using Feedforward Neural Networks.
IC-AI 2003: 285-291 |
4 | EE | Natacha Gueorguieva,
Iren Valova:
Building RBF Neural Network Topology through Potential Functions.
ICANN 2003: 1033-1040 |
2002 |
3 | | Iren Valova,
Natacha Gueorguieva,
George Georgiev:
Oscillatory Responses in Pre-Cortex Model of Olfactory System.
IC-AI 2002: 1177-1183 |
2000 |
2 | EE | Plamen Tchimev,
Naoya Moritani,
Georgi Georgiev,
Iren Valova:
A Neural Network Approach to Geographic Image Analysis.
SSIAI 2000: 58-62 |
1 | | Iren Valova,
Yukio Kosugi:
Hadamard-based image decomposition and compression.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 4(4): 306-319 (2000) |