
Refugio Vallejo

J. Refugio Vallejo-Gutiérrez

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10EEIsidro B. Nieto, Refugio Vallejo: A decision boundary hyperplane for the vector space of conics using a polinomial kernel in m-Euclidean space. IJCNN 2008: 1273-1278
9EEJ. Refugio Vallejo-Gutiérrez, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano: Clifford Hopfield Neural Networks. IJCNN 2008: 3609-3612
8EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, J. Refugio Vallejo-Gutiérrez, Nancy Arana-Daniel: Recurrent Clifford Support Machines. IJCNN 2008: 3613-3618
7EEIsidro B. Nieto, Refugio Vallejo: Clifford Algebra of the Vector Space of Conics for decision boundary Hyperplanes in m-Euclidean Space CoRR abs/0707.3979: (2007)
6EERefugio Vallejo: Spherical Neural Networks and some applications. IJCNN 2006: 4346-4349
5EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Refugio Vallejo, Nancy Arana-Daniel: Geometric preprocessing, geometric feedforward neural networks and Clifford support vector machines for visual learning. Neurocomputing 67: 54-105 (2005)
4EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Nancy Arana-Daniel, J. Refugio Vallejo-Gutiérrez: Clifford Support Vector Machines for Classification. ICAISC 2004: 9-16
3EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Refugio Vallejo: Geometric preprocessing and neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation. Pattern Recognition 36(12): 2909-2926 (2003)
2EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Refugio Vallejo: Geometric Neurocomputing for Pattern Recognition and Pose Estimation. ICPR (1) 2002: 41-44
1EEEduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Refugio Vallejo: Geometric Neural Networks and Support Multi-Vector Machines. IJCNN (6) 2000: 389-394

Coauthor Index

1Nancy Arana-Daniel [4] [5] [8]
2Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
3Isidro B. Nieto [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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