
Ventzeslav Valev

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12EEVentzeslav Valev: Supervised Pattern Recognition with Heterogeneous Features. CIARP 2004: 693-700
11EEVentzeslav Valev: Supervised pattern recognition by parallel feature partitioning. Pattern Recognition 37(3): 463-467 (2004)
10EEVentzeslav Valev, Bülent Sankur: Generalized non-reducible descriptors. Pattern Recognition 37(9): 1809-1815 (2004)
9EEAsai Asaithambi, Ventzeslav Valev: Construction of all non-reducible descriptors. Pattern Recognition 37(9): 1817-1823 (2004)
8 Ventzeslav Valev, Asai Asaithambi: On Computational Complexity of Non-Reducible Descriptors. IRI 2003: 208-211
7 Asai Asaithambi, Ventzeslav Valev: A Decision-Tree Approach to the Discovery of Empirical Regularities. IRI 2001: 18-23
6EEVentzeslav Valev, Asai Asaithambi: Multidimensional pattern recognition problems and combining classifiers. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(12): 1291-1297 (2001)
5EEVentzeslav Valev, Bülent Sankur, Petia Radeva: Generalized Non-Reducible Descriptors. ICPR 2000: 2394-2397
4 Ventzeslav Valev: Set Partition Principles Revisited. SSPR/SPR 1998: 875-881
3 Ventzeslav Valev: A Model-Based Image Quantization Technique for Supervised Image Recognition. CAIP 1993: 128-132
2 Ventzeslav Valev: Pictorial pattern recognition by Boolean formulas. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1992
1EEVentzeslav Valev, Jurey Ivanovich Zhuravlev: Integer-valued problems of transforming the training tables in k-valued code in pattern recognition problems. Pattern Recognition 24(4): 283-288 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Asai Asaithambi [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Petia Radeva (Petia Radeva Ivanova) [5]
3Bülent Sankur [5] [10]
4Jurey Ivanovich Zhuravlev [1]

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