
Christine L. Valenzuela

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7 Christine L. Valenzuela, Pearl Y. Wang: VLSI placement and area optimization using a genetic algorithm to breed normalized postfix expressions. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 6(4): 390-401 (2002)
6 Christine L. Valenzuela: A Study of Permutation Operators for Minimum Span Frequency Assignment Using an Order Based Representation. J. Heuristics 7(1): 5-21 (2001)
5 Christine L. Valenzuela, Pearl Y. Wang: A Genetic Algorithm for VLSI Floorplanning. PPSN 2000: 671-680
4EEChristine L. Valenzuela, Steve Hurley, Derek H. Smith: A Permutation Based Genetic Algorithm for Minimum Span Frequency Assignment. PPSN 1998: 907-916
3 Christine L. Valenzuela, Peter L. Williams: Improving Heuristic Algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem by Using a Genetic Algorithm to Perturb the Cities. ICGA 1997: 458-464
2 A. H. Gilbert, Frances Bell, Christine L. Valenzuela: Adaptive Learning of Process Control and Profit Optimisation using a Classifier System. Evolutionary Computation 3(2): 177-198 (1995)
1 Christine L. Valenzuela, Antonia J. Jones: Evolutionary Divide and Conquer (I): A Novel Genetic Approach to the TSP. Evolutionary Computation 1(4): 313-333 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Frances Bell [2]
2A. H. Gilbert [2]
3Steve Hurley [4]
4Antonia J. Jones [1]
5Derek H. Smith (D. H. Smith) [4]
6Pearl Y. Wang [5] [7]
7Peter L. Williams [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)