
Guillaume Valadon

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4EEClémence Magnien, Frédéric Ouédraogo, Guillaume Valadon, Matthieu Latapy: Fast dynamics in Internet topology: preliminary observations and explanations CoRR abs/0904.2716: (2009)
3EEGuillaume Valadon, Ryuji Wakikawa: Extending Home Agent Migration to Mobile IPv6 Based Protocols. AINTEC 2007: 70-85
2EEGuillaume Valadon, Florian Le Goff, Christophe Berger: Daily walks in Paris: a practical analysis of wi-fi access points. CoNEXT 2007: 63
1EERyuji Wakikawa, Guillaume Valadon, Jun Murai: Migrating home agents towards internet-scale mobility deployments. CoNEXT 2006: 10

Coauthor Index

1Christophe Berger [2]
2Florian Le Goff [2]
3Matthieu Latapy [4]
4Clémence Magnien [4]
5Jun Murai [1]
6Frédéric Ouédraogo [4]
7Ryuji Wakikawa [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)