2008 |
15 | EE | Vincent Vajnovszki:
More restrictive Gray codes for necklaces and Lyndon words.
Inf. Process. Lett. 106(3): 96-99 (2008) |
14 | EE | W. M. B. Dukes,
M. F. Flanagan,
Toufik Mansour,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Combinatorial Gray codes for classes of pattern avoiding permutations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 396(1-3): 35-49 (2008) |
2007 |
13 | EE | Asep Juarna,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Some Generalizations of a Simion-Schmidt Bijection.
Comput. J. 50(5): 574-580 (2007) |
12 | EE | Toufik Mansour,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Restricted 123-avoiding Baxter permutations and the Padovan numbers.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(11): 1430-1440 (2007) |
2006 |
11 | EE | Vincent Vajnovszki,
Timothy Walsh:
A loop-free two-close Gray-code algorithm for listing k-ary Dyck words.
J. Discrete Algorithms 4(4): 633-648 (2006) |
2005 |
10 | EE | Jean-Luc Baril,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Minimal change list for Lucas strings and some graph theoretic consequences.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 346(2-3): 189-199 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | EE | Jean-Luc Baril,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Gray code for derangements.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 140(1-3): 207-221 (2004) |
2003 |
8 | | Cristian Calude,
Michael J. Dinneen,
Vincent Vajnovszki:
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 4th International Conference, DMTCS 2003, Dijon, France, July 7-12, 2003. Proceedings
DMTCS 2003 |
7 | EE | Vincent Vajnovszki:
A loopless algorithm for generating the permutations of a multiset.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 307(2): 415-431 (2003) |
2002 |
6 | EE | Vincent Vajnovszki:
Gray visiting Motzkins.
Acta Inf. 38(11/12): 793-811 (2002) |
5 | | Vincent Vajnovszki:
Generating a Gray Code for P-Sequences.
J. Math. Model. Algorithms 1(1): 31-41 (2002) |
1999 |
4 | | Vincent Vajnovszki,
Chris Phillips:
Systolic Generation of k-Ary Trees.
Parallel Processing Letters 9(1): 93-101 (1999) |
1998 |
3 | EE | Vincent Vajnovszki:
On the Loopless Generation of Binary Tree Sequences.
Inf. Process. Lett. 68(3): 113-117 (1998) |
2 | | Vincent Vajnovszki,
Jean Marcel Pallo:
Parallel Algorithms for Listing Well-Formed Parentheses Strings.
Parallel Processing Letters 8(1): 19-28 (1998) |
1995 |
1 | | Vincent Vajnovszki:
Constant Time Generation of Binary Unordered Trees.
Bulletin of the EATCS 57: (1995) |