
Vladimir Vacic

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6EEVladimir Vacic, Hailing Jin, Jian-Kang Zhu, Stefano Lonardi: A Probabilistic Model for Small RNA Flowgram Matching. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2008: 75-86
5EEZheng Fu, Xin Chen, Vladimir Vacic, Peng Nan, Yang Zhong, Tao Jiang: MSOAR: A High-Throughput Ortholog Assignment System Based on Genome Rearrangement. Journal of Computational Biology 14(9): 1160-1175 (2007)
4EEMegan Sickmeier, Justin A. Hamilton, Tanguy LeGall, Vladimir Vacic, Marc S. Cortese, Agnes Tantos, Beata Szabo, Peter Tompa, Jake Chen, Vladimir N. Uversky, Zoran Obradovic, A. Keith Dunker: DisProt: the Database of Disordered Proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Database-Issue): 786-793 (2007)
3EEZheng Fu, Xin Chen, Vladimir Vacic, Peng Nan, Yang Zhong, Tao Jiang: A Parsimony Approach to Genome-Wide Ortholog Assignment. RECOMB 2006: 578-594
2EEVladimir Vacic, Lilia M. Iakoucheva, Predrag Radivojac: Two Sample Logo: a graphical representation of the differences between two sets of sequence alignments. Bioinformatics 22(12): 1536-1537 (2006)
1EESlobodan Vucetic, Zoran Obradovic, Vladimir Vacic, Predrag Radivojac, Kang Peng, Lilia M. Iakoucheva, Marc S. Cortese, J. David Lawson, Celeste J. Brown, Jason G. Sikes, Crystal D. Newton, A. Keith Dunker: DisProt: a database of protein disorder. Bioinformatics 21(1): 137-140 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Celeste J. Brown [1]
2Jake Chen [4]
3Xin Chen [3] [5]
4Marc S. Cortese [1] [4]
5A. Keith Dunker [1] [4]
6Zheng Fu [3] [5]
7Justin A. Hamilton [4]
8Lilia M. Iakoucheva [1] [2]
9Tao Jiang [3] [5]
10Hailing Jin [6]
11J. David Lawson [1]
12Tanguy LeGall [4]
13Stefano Lonardi [6]
14Peng Nan [3] [5]
15Crystal D. Newton [1]
16Zoran Obradovic [1] [4]
17Kang Peng [1]
18Predrag Radivojac [1] [2]
19Megan Sickmeier [4]
20Jason G. Sikes [1]
21Beata Szabo [4]
22Agnes Tantos [4]
23Peter Tompa [4]
24Vladimir N. Uversky [4]
25Slobodan Vucetic [1]
26Yang Zhong [3] [5]
27Jian-Kang Zhu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)