
N. I. V'yukova

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3EEN. I. V'yukova, V. A. Galatenko, S. V. Samborskii: Software pipelining of loops by the method of modulo scheduling. Programming and Computer Software 33(6): 307-315 (2007)
2EEB. Kh. Barladian, A. G. Voloboi, N. I. V'yukova, V. A. Galaktionov, N. B. Deryabin: Illumination Modeling and Generation of Realistic Images Using Internet Technologies. Programming and Computer Software 31(5): 282-291 (2005)
1EEN. I. V'yukova, V. A. Galatenko, S. V. Samborskii, S. M. Shumakov: Effective Code Generation for Processor Architectures with Explicit Parallelism. Programming and Computer Software 28(5): 261-279 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1B. Kh. Barladian [2]
2N. B. Deryabin [2]
3V. A. Galaktionov [2]
4V. A. Galatenko [1] [3]
5S. V. Samborskii [1] [3]
6S. M. Shumakov [1]
7A. G. Voloboi [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)