
Vladimir V. V'yugin

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26EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On calibration error of randomized forecasting algorithms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(19): 1781-1795 (2009)
25EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On Sequences with Non-learnable Subsequences. CSR 2008: 302-313
24EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On Sequences with Non-Learnable Subsequences CoRR abs/0806.4341: (2008)
23EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Prediction with Expert Advice in Games with Unbounded One-Step Gains CoRR abs/0806.4391: (2008)
22EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On empirical meaning of randomness with respect to a real parameter CoRR abs/0806.4484: (2008)
21EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Problems of robustness for universal coding schemes CoRR abs/0806.4572: (2008)
20EEVladimir V. V'yugin: A game-theoretic version of Oakes' example for randomized forecasting CoRR abs/0808.3746: (2008)
19EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On Calibration Error of Randomized Forecasting Algorithms. ALT 2007: 388-402
18EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On Empirical Meaning of Randomness with Respect to a Real Parameter. CSR 2007: 387-396
17EEVladimir V. V'yugin: On impossibility of sequential algorithmic forecasting. Kolmogorov Complexity and Applications 2006
16EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Predictive complexity and information. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 70(4): 539-554 (2005)
15EEVictor Maslov, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Maximum Entropy Principle in Non-ordered Setting. ALT 2004: 221-233
14EEIlia Nouretdinov, Vladimir V. V'yugin, Alexander Gammerman: Transductive Confidence Machine Is Universal. ALT 2003: 283-297
13EEVassily A. Lyubetsky, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Methods of horizontal gene transfer determination using phylogenetic data. In Silico Biology 3: 3 (2003)
12EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Predictive Complexity and Information. COLT 2002: 90-104
11EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Suboptimal Measures of Predictive Complexity for Absolute Loss Function. Inf. Comput. 175(2): 146-157 (2002)
10EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: On Complexity of Easy Predictable Sequences. Inf. Comput. 178(1): 241-252 (2002)
9EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Does snooping help? Theor. Comput. Sci. 276(1-2): 407-415 (2002)
8EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Non-linear Inequalities between Predictive and Kolmogorov Complexities. ALT 2001: 190-204
7EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Predictive complexity and information Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(43): (2001)
6EEMichael V. Vyugin, Vladimir V. V'yugin: Non-linear Inequalities between Predictive and Kolmogorov Complexity Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(52): (2001)
5 Vladimir V. V'yugin: Most Sequences Are Stochastic. Inf. Comput. 169(2): 252-263 (2001)
4 Vladimir V. V'yugin: Algorithmic Complexity and Stochastic Properties of Finite Binary Sequences. Comput. J. 42(4): 294-317 (1999)
3EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Ergodic Theorems for Individual Random Sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 207(2): 343-361 (1998)
2EEVladimir V. V'yugin: Non-Stochastic Infinite and Finite Sequences. Theor. Comput. Sci. 207(2): 363-382 (1998)
1 Vladimir V. V'yugin: Bayesianism: An Algorithmic Analysis. Inf. Comput. 127(1): 1-10 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Gammerman (Alex J. Gammerman) [14]
2Vassily A. Lyubetsky [13]
3Victor Maslov [15]
4Ilia Nouretdinov [14]
5Michael V. Vyugin [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)