
Lars Völker

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4EELars Völker, Christoph Werle, Martina Zitterbart: Decision process for automated selection of security protocols. LCN 2008: 223-229
3EEThomas Gamer, Lars Völker, Martina Zitterbart: Differentiated security in wireless mesh networks. Q2SWinet 2008: 111-112
2EELars Völker, Marcus Schöller: Secure TLS: Preventing DoS Attacks with Lower Layer Authentication. KiVS 2007: 237-248
1EELars Völker, Marcus Schöller, Martina Zitterbart: Introducing QoS mechanisms into the IPsec packet processing. LCN 2007: 360-367

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Gamer [3]
2Marcus Schöller [1] [2]
3Christoph Werle [4]
4Martina Zitterbart [1] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)