
Mustafa Uyguroglu

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6EETurgay Çelik, Hasan Demirel, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Mustafa Uyguroglu: Fire detection using statistical color model in video sequences. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 18(2): 176-185 (2007)
5EEKamil Yurtkan, Hamit Soyel, Hasan Demirel, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Mustafa Uyguroglu, Ekrem Varoglu: Face Modeling and Adaptive Texture Mapping for Model Based Video Coding. CAIP 2005: 498-505
4 Hamit Soyel, Kamil Yurtkan, Hasan Demirel, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Mustafa Uyguroglu, Ekrem Varoglu: Face Modeling and Animation for MPEG-4 Compliant Model based Video Coding. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2005: 14-18
3EETurgay Çelik, Cem Direkoglu, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Hasan Demirel, Mustafa Uyguroglu: Enhanced Facial Feature Extraction Using Region-Based Super-Resolution Aided Video Sequences. ICIAR 2005: 1141-1148
2EECem Direkoglu, Hasan Demirel, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Mustafa Uyguroglu: Efficient Face and Facial Feature Tracking Using Search Region Estimation. ICIAR 2005: 1149-1157
1 Safak Dogan, Akin Cellatoglu, Mustafa Uyguroglu, Abdul H. Sadka, Ahmet M. Kondoz: Error-resilient video transcoding for robust internetwork communications using GPRS. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(6): 453-464 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Turgay Çelik [3] [6]
2Akin Cellatoglu [1]
3Hasan Demirel [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Cem Direkoglu [2] [3]
5Safak Dogan [1]
6Ahmet M. Kondoz [1]
7Hüseyin Özkaramanli [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Abdul H. Sadka [1]
9Hamit Soyel [4] [5]
10Ekrem Varoglu [4] [5]
11Kamil Yurtkan [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)