
Berkant Ustaoglu

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4EEAlfred Menezes, Berkant Ustaoglu: Comparing the Pre- and Post-specified Peer Models for Key Agreement. ACISP 2008: 53-68
3EEAlfred Menezes, Berkant Ustaoglu: Security arguments for the UM key agreement protocol in the NIST SP 800-56A standard. ASIACCS 2008: 261-270
2EEBerkant Ustaoglu: Obtaining a secure and efficient key agreement protocol from (H)MQV and NAXOS. Des. Codes Cryptography 46(3): 329-342 (2008)
1EEAlfred Menezes, Berkant Ustaoglu: On the Importance of Public-Key Validation in the MQV and HMQV Key Agreement Protocols. INDOCRYPT 2006: 133-147

Coauthor Index

1Alfred Menezes [1] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)