
Tore Urnes

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11EEÖzalp Babaoglu, Geoffrey Canright, Andreas Deutsch, Gianni Di Caro, Frederick Ducatelle, Luca Maria Gambardella, Niloy Ganguly, Márk Jelasity, Roberto Montemanni, Alberto Montresor, Tore Urnes: Design patterns from biology for distributed computing. TAAS 1(1): 26-66 (2006)
10EETore Urnes, Åsmund Weltzien, Anne Zanussi, Solveig Engbakk, Julie Kleppen Rafn: Pivots and structured play: stimulating creative user input in concept development. NordiCHI 2002: 187-196
9EETore Urnes, Arne S. Hatlen, Pål S. Malm, Øystein Myhre: Building Distributed Context-Aware Applications. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 38-41 (2001)
8EETimothy N. Wright, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes: Specifying Temporal Behaviour in Software Architectures for Groupware Systems. DSV-IS 2000: 1-17
7EETore Urnes, Arne S. Hatlen, Rune Johansen, Øystein Myhre: Using Mobile Code to Build a Smart Kitchen. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 4(4): 202-204 (2000)
6 Tore Urnes, T. C. Nicholas Graham: Flexibility Mapping Synchronous Groupware Architectures to Distributed Implementations. DSV-IS 1999: 133-147
5EET. C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes: Integrating Support for Temporal Media into an Architecture for Graphical User Interfaces. ICSE 1997: 172-182
4EET. C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes, Roy Nejabi: Efficient Distributed Implementation of Semi-Replicated Synchronous Groupware. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 1-10
3EET. C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes: Linguistic Support for the Evolutionary Design of Software Architectures. ICSE 1996: 418-427
2 T. C. Nicholas Graham, Catherine A. Morton, Tore Urnes: ClockWorks: Visual Programming of Component-Based Software Architectures. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 7(2): 175-196 (1996)
1EET. C. Nicholas Graham, Tore Urnes: Rational Views as a Model for Automatic Distributed Implementation of Multi-User Applications. CSCW 1992: 59-66

Coauthor Index

1Özalp Babaoglu [11]
2Geoffrey Canright [11]
3Gianni Di Caro [11]
4Andreas Deutsch [11]
5Frederick Ducatelle [11]
6Solveig Engbakk [10]
7Luca Maria Gambardella [11]
8Niloy Ganguly [11]
9T. C. Nicholas Graham [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
10Arne S. Hatlen [7] [9]
11Márk Jelasity [11]
12Rune Johansen [7]
13Pål S. Malm [9]
14Roberto Montemanni [11]
15Alberto Montresor [11]
16Catherine A. Morton [2]
17Øystein Myhre [7] [9]
18Roy Nejabi [4]
19Julie Kleppen Rafn [10]
20Åsmund Weltzien [10]
21Timothy N. Wright [8]
22Anne Zanussi [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)