
Noel D. Uri

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6EENoel D. Uri, Florence O. Setzer: The price cap plan for regulating local exchange carriers in the USA. IJSTM 6(1): 76-90 (2005)
5EENoel D. Uri: Service quality and the impact of incentive regulation in telecommunications in the USA. IJSTM 5(3): 263-283 (2004)
4EENoel D. Uri: CLEC access charges and the problem of monopoly power. IJSTM 3(3): 349-361 (2002)
3EENoel D. Uri: The effect of incentive regulation in telecommunications in the USA. IJSTM 3(4): 441-462 (2002)
2 Noel D. Uri: The Measurement of the Change in Productivity in Telecommunications. Telecommunication Systems 20(3-4): 177-194 (2002)
1 Noel D. Uri: Price caps and the error in X-factor calculations. Information Economics and Policy 12(4): 329-339 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Florence O. Setzer [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)