
Onay Urfalioglu

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5EEOnay Urfalioglu, A. Enis Çetin, Ercan E. Kuruoglu: Levy walk evolution for global optimization. GECCO 2008: 537-538
4EEOnay Urfalioglu, Patrick Mikulastik, Ivo Stegmann: Scale Invariant Robust Registration of 3D-Point Data and a Triangle Mesh by Global Optimization. ACIVS 2006: 1059-1070
3EEAxel Weissenfeld, Onay Urfalioglu, Kang Liu, Jörn Ostermann: Robust Rigid Head Motion Estimation Based on Differential Evolution. ICME 2006: 225-228
2EEPatrick Mikulastik, Hellward Broszio, Thorsten Thormählen, Onay Urfalioglu: Error Analysis of Feature Based Disparity Estimation. PSIVT 2006: 1-12
1EEOnay Urfalioglu: Robust Estimation of Camera Rotation, Translation and Focal Length at High Outlier Rates. CRV 2004: 464-471

Coauthor Index

1Hellward Broszio [2]
2A. Enis Çetin [5]
3Ercan E. Kuruoglu [5]
4Kang Liu [3]
5Patrick Mikulastik [2] [4]
6Jörn Ostermann [3]
7Ivo Stegmann [4]
8Thorsten Thormählen [2]
9Axel Weissenfeld [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)